Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I am in awe of my friend's talent

Tonight's show was huried in the beginning (I was late getting started) and frantic in the end (I lost my connection and couldn't get back into the show!). But with that said, I couldn't have had a better co-host or guest. Katie was her usual charming self and even sang a few notes for us. What I wouldn't give to be able to sing like that! If you haven't checked her out yet, you must! Her music is available on iTunes and more information can be found at KatieThompson.com.

This is the video we were referencing with Eden Espinosa. I'm putting this on my list of things to see live before I die. I can not imagine these two together on one stage!

Katie talked about her latest cover of Heaven is a Place On Earth and it became my gayest moment on the show so far. 61 minutes in I exclaim, "Belinda". Here is her live performance of it. Awesome.

Thanks again everyone for listening! We are working to make these better and better as our audience continues to grow! Please subscribe to us on iTunes and tell your friends! Our success is up to you! THANK YOU!

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