Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I got my feet wet!

Thank you everyone who came out tonight to listen and everyone who takes the time to listen and download for weeks to come! It was so much fun and I am really excited to grow this and make it bigger, better and more fun week after week from now!

Below are the two videos I said I would be posting- the trailer for Jessie's one woman show Me and My Bus and the fan made video for Jake's Hirolude (my personal favorite moment on his album).

Tonight's theme was putting it out in the universe and declaring what we want. Mine is to make The Baub Show a hit! I'm not going to be shy or coy about it anymore. This is something I've always wanted to do and why not? I can't have it if I don't ask for it, and I am officially asking!

What do you want? What have you been preventing yourself from attaining? Declare it now and go after it! The time is now!!

Thanks for listening. Come back next week and tell your friends. We're going to have Shane Mack and Sizzle. It's going to be a lot of fun!

Click the image to download Jake's album on iTunes. It's awesome!

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