Monday, August 24, 2009

TONIGHT! So You Think You Can... Interview, Travis Wall!

Last night's show is still glowing and warm, but I couldn't resist getting a little early buzz on next week's show. That's because I will have live on the air, my favorite dancer from Season 2 of So You Think You Can Dance, Travis Wall! (Sorry Benji)

**UPDATE- I've got two more SYTYCD Dancers calling in tonight as well! Tune in to find out whom!

You have a full week to email me questions you have for Travis at

Joining me as my co-host this week will be my friend, Lisa DelCampo and you just never know who else may be on the line. That was not meant to be a pun, but if you know who Lisa is, you will understand that there is a hysterical pun in there! Can you guess what it is??

See you next Monday!

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