Wednesday, September 16, 2009

My pics from last nights "unofficial" Big Brother Wrap Party

Mandy, Russell, James, Shannon, JD and Chelsia

Anyone who knows me or listens to the show, knows that my guilty pleasure of summer is always Big Brother. With the end of each season usually comes my favorite event that I typically deem a holiday, The Wrap Party. I have no idea why, but for some reason the producers decided to forego a wrap party this year (which is odd when you consider ratings were the best ever this season). But producers or not, nothing could stop us from congregating and celebrating the end of another salivating summer of the unexpected (Special thanks to Mike Boogie for getting everyone together at Geisha House). Below are the photos I snapped up last night (they all enlarge when you click them) and includes a little video when we tried for a group photo.

And for those wondering, Chima's arrival was very uncomfortable and it was obvious all eyes were on her, but to her credit, she held her head high and before long had everyone talking with her and posing for photos. The class move was when Russell arrived and walked over to her and gave her a hug. Even for us watching, we forget it is just a game. But oh what a game it is!

Also, have you listened to former the houseguests the week Chima was evicted? Just click the little arrow to listen while you're browsing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the photos and video! :) Whose the girl in orange? I see her alot in BB pics and everyone mentions her. (Shannon Elizabeth). Is she going to be on Big Brother??

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